Featured Series: Living with ADHD - ADHD Stories From Our Listeners

A series of stories from YOU!

Over the last few weeks, Pete and I have taken a bit of a break from the mic while we’ve been hearing from our listeners on Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast

We asked our listeners to share their ADHD “ah-ha” moments; a time in their life where something just clicked.

We got a huge response from our ADHD community! So big, in fact, we had to create a whole series of episodes to fit it all!

Hearing these stories has been humbling and uplifting. Our goal, in sharing these stories, is that other ADHDers can find hope in hearing stories that might be similar to their own, and maybe even stumble onto their own “ah-ha” moment!

In case you missed it, here’s a recap of our Living with ADHD series:

Ep 2207: Living with ADHD - You can have struggles and still have success with Dr. Kalaki Clarke 

Dr. Clarke shares her experience with ADHD as she became a physician. She found that her position in the medical field gave her a great platform to advocate for others with ADHD.

Ep 2208: Living with ADHD - ADHD Stories From Our Listeners - Part Two

A parent shares their gratitude to our podcast for helping their child deal with a hard transition. A work story shines a light at the end of the RSD tunnel. Another listener learns to adapt when certain strategies don’t work and finds out how to pivot to stay on track. Finally, we hear a kind word to those facing a new ADHD diagnosis.

Ep 2209: Living with ADHD - ADHD Stories From Our Listeners - Part Three

More listeners continue to share their stories about finding strength and courage to advocate for themselves, and we hear a bright story about not only finding joy but sharing it with everyone you meet.

Ep 2210: Living with ADHD - ADHD Stories From Our Listeners - Part Four

Our series concludes with a story from a listener who learned that the best way to make a system work is to keep trying.

While Pete and I have spent more than 10 years (can you believe it?!) talking about living life with ADHD, we both know none of it would mean anything without the love and continued support of our listeners.

A lot of what we do wouldn’t be possible without the contributions of the members in our community that give through Patreon.

From transcripts of every podcast episode to our soon-to-open Resource Library, all of these things are thanks to the generous donations of our Patreon supporters! 

If our podcast has ever helped you like we’ve heard from some of the listener stories during this series, we would encourage you to consider becoming a Patreon supporter and continuing to help us grow this amazing community!

Want to learn more about becoming a Patreon member? Click here.

Thank you for your time and attention,

- Nikki


Featured Series: Unique ADHD Strategies that Work - At least most of the time! Part 1


Achieve What You Believe