376: Organizing with ADHD — Part 3: Organizing

We’ve made it! For those who have been listening to our organizing series and wondering where all the organizing is, this week is all for you! But remember, each step in the organizing process is critical — especially for those living with ADHD! — so just as you’re taking the organizing step seriously, that can only come thanks to your efforts in sorting and purging before it. This week, we’re talking about effective use of your space, how you think about space, and how you approach turning your space into a home for your things!

We are proud to be guests in Linda Roggli’s 4th Annual ADHD Women’s Palooza! For a whole week, 30 top ADHD experts gather online to present about ADHD as it specifically relates to women. Registration is open now, presentations begin on February 25th! Oh, and did we mention it’s free to attend? That’s right, as long as you can make time to watch the sessions during the Palooza, it’s free. But you can get all kinds of great bonuses with a paid ticket so check it out!

Links & Notes


377: Organizing with ADHD — Part 4: Maintenance


375: Organizing with ADHD — Part 2: Sorting and Purging